How to Use Low-Carb Hacks to Have a Healthy Holiday

by LovinLowCarbOver50

I’m no stranger to the “anything goes” mentality when it comes to the stuff I’ll allow on my plate this time of year.

It’s been the norm for me to typically treat my holiday hangry to whatever the heck it wants from right about now ‘til January 1st when I, along with a few other weary bods across the planet, attempt to humbly mount the sensible-eating wagon once again.

But the more I began eating for my wellness and not just my waistline, the more I decided that no holiday food bender is worth looking and feeling my worst at the start of a new year, all because I decided to give eggnog and red velvet cheesecake (true story by the way) an all-access pass for the holidays.

There’s no ultimate win for me in applying the “you only live once” mentality every time the holiday greeting cards take over the drug store, all in the name of festive. Bah Humbug!

So this year, I’m bringing in some real-deal healthy holiday low-carb hacks to help me change the game.

That’s right. Haven’t you heard? Moderation is the new holiday splurge. Who’s with me?


1. Plan wisely.

Sadly, carb-impostor food worth serving ain’t gonna come from the drive-thru.

If you’re not already a professional chef, you’re gonna have to go on the hunt for some good recipes.

And when I say good, I mean flavorful (tastes good), accessible (you don’t have to be a Julia Child-type to make it) and honest (it really does taste good at the end). Here’s one of my latest finds. I’ve pulled a few goodies from this download that I definitely plan to put on my holiday table.

2. Learn How to Recognize the Rockstar Ingredients.

Once you’ve dabbled in low-carb cooking for a while, you’ll start to notice the usual suspect ingredients that will show up in a recipe that deserves your respect.

The more you cook and get good outcomes, the more you’ll develop an eye for which recipes will probably work.

For example, if you’re a baked goods junkie like me, you’re gonna want to seriously consider befriending superfine (or blanched) almond flour and powdered erythritol on your way to finding blueberry muffins that have all of the yum with none of the guilt.

Want to thicken those gravies and sauces without flour? Arrowroot powder, baby (a little bit goes a long way).

Need a flavorful and texture-appropriate breading swap for the kind of chicken fingers you won’t find at Chick-Fil-A? Pork rinds in the food processor! (Not for everyone I know, but they work like a charm).

A pizza dough swap you say? Well, if you have the patience to see the marriage of cream cheese and shredded mozzarella through to the end of a 90-second ceremony in the microwave, then mix it with an egg and some almond flour, you can make real carb-impostor magic happen!

Also, low-carb cooking will have you turn up in the produce section like never before. Fresh herbs are another key staple to making your low-carb dishes come alive with flavor, so be sure to make room for fresh cilantro, dill, Italian parsley and friends like them in your fridge.

3. Start Small and Shop Ahead

I’m totally that weirdo who can page-turn a good cookbook like a good novel, staying captivated the whole way through. And then I wonder why I emerge at the end wanting to make 5 chicken dishes, 7 desserts and 12 smoothie concoctions all in one night lol.

Trust me, especially if you’re new to low-carb cooking, pace yourself. Start by trying to swap out your family’s top three high-carb dishes and give them a go.

You may encounter ingredients you’ve never heard of and don’t know how to find so give yourself a few days to gather. Amazon or Whole Foods is often the answer for most of the peculiar ones that I’ve needed, but more and more local grocery stores are beefing up their wares to accommodate the ever-expanding low-carb-high-fat community.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Mix it Up a Little for Your Family.

I know this is a low-carb blog, and I know we’re talking about finding cool low-carb hacks for a healthy holiday here, but this tip is written with moderation in mind.

It would be cruel and unusual punishment to let this season leave us and not give my family access to one of their holiday faves – classic baked macaroni and cheese, the absolute darling of comfort foods. So I’m making it for them. And I may just enjoy a bite or 5. (This one is a spot-on match to the one my momma used to make. If you’re looking for suggestions to fit the decadence portion of your menu and you like baked mac and cheese, this one will NOT disappoint).

Now, it doesn’t mean I have to eat this regularly for the rest of the season but bringing that balance to my table for the holidays is a moderation move that makes us all happy.

Designate ahead of time which dishes you’ll low-carb hack and which traditions should stay to enjoy some healthy holiday emotional balance at your table too.

5. In All Thy Prepping, Prep You.

Oh the chopping and the slicing and the thawing and the marinating we endure this time of year, all for that yummy food outcome right?

Well, I think it’s also very important to take some time to mentally prepare for a positive you outcome as well, for when this is all over.

I’m not one to over-share trendy hashtags, but I know from experience how helpful it can be to set and focus on your healthy holiday food intentions before the holiday spirit gets going in full-swing.

I have seriously mentally rehearsed my polite yet steadfast, “No, thank you,” readying myself for the, “Oh come on it’s the holidays,” retorts that I know will come.

I have also forced myself to think about the last time I got caught up in a seasonal gorging and how bloated and exhausted and achy I felt the day after. I think that’s wise time spent and something you can easily do between mixes and marinades.

Food is love for sure in my book, and holiday time is one of the best times to share it. But if you’ve committed to a low-carb way of life for your health and your well-being, it’s important to extend that holiday food love to yourself, much like you would all year long.

Do you have any favorite low-carb holiday hacks? Let me know in the comments below!




Pam is a former plus-sized model turned freelance writer/blogger and recently remarried soccer mom. Right now her biggest loves are God, her family, matcha lattes and the miraculous powers of blanched almond flour.

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