Let’s Calculate Your Macros!

If you’re new to all of this “macros” talk, please don’t let it overwhelm you.

Use the results from the calculator as a general guideline to follow, then do your best to stay within those guidelines as you track your daily meals. That’s it!

But hang on. Before we get into all of that, here are a few simple definitions that will help:

So what’s a macro anyway?


Macro is short for macronutrient. In general, macronutrients are the carbs, proteins and fats in the foods that you eat.

Calculating the right macronutrient mix and daily caloric intake can help you reach your weight loss goals.

Here are a few other terms you’ll find on the calculator:

TDEETotal Daily Energy Expenditure

This is the approximate number of calories your body will burn off each day based on your current activity level. (So be honest when choosing your activity level. When in doubt, downgrade to a lower activity level than you think you may be).

BMRBasal Metabolic Rate

This is the approximate number of calories your body will burn off each day just to maintain basic bodily functions (the calories you crush by simply breathing).


Calculate height in feet and inches; calculate weight in pounds.


Calculate height in centimeters; calculate weight in kilograms.

Body Fat Percentage

Use the images below as a general guide to select your current body fat percentage:

Macro Calculator Instructions:

Step 1 (Calculate Your TDEE)

Enter the requested information to calculate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE).


Step 2 (Choose Your Goals and Pick Your Intensity)

The numbers shown in Step 2 represent the maximum amount of calories you should consume daily in order to meet your goals.

Locate the square that represents your goal: Fat Loss, Maintain, Bulking (not the focus of this site, but the option is there if you’re looking to bulk/gain weight) or Custom (manually enter a daily caloric intake that works for you).

Next, select your option of intensity:

The “Suggested”, “Aggressive” and “Reckless” options will decrease your TDEE by the selected percentage.

The “Cautious” and “Text Book” options are for Bulking and will increase your TDEE by the selected percentage.

The “Same as TDEE” option” is for maintenance goals, and the “Enter Your Own” option will prompt you to manually enter your daily caloric intake in the Custom field.

Step 3 (Select Your Nutrition Plan)

The nutrition plan options are general guidelines to help you determine how to balance the macronutrients in the foods that you eat every day. (The three percentages must equal 100).

The Low-Carb option is preset to 35% Fat, 25% Carbs and 40% Protein

The Ketogenic option is preset to the standard recommendation for the Keto diet – 65% Fat, 5% Carbs and 30% Protein.

Use the Enter your Own option to set ratios that work best for you. As we are all different, sometimes this takes trial and error.

As I’ve begun to do more consistent strength training in my 50s, I find that increasing my protein ratio a bit works best for me, so I typically stay pretty close to a 60/5/35 split for fats/carbs/protein.

If I’m at a weight loss stall, I may drop back down to 65/5/30 and when I’m on vacation or in maintenance mode, I’ll often jump up closer to 35/25/40, or just put the whole thing out of my head for a little while. 😊

The bottom line is, what works best for your neighbor may not work best for you. Keep track of your progress and revisit the calculator anytime you need to make adjustments.


Step 4 (Your Results)

After clicking the CALCULATE button in Step 3, your results will appear in Step 4.

I typically only use the GRAMS per day results.

Remember, the macro and calorie amounts here should include breakfast, lunch, dinner AND whatever snacks you eat. Make sure you also track your snacks and include them in your final number for the day.

GRAMS per meal is shown for those who prefer to eat about the same amount for each meal. Click the drop-down arrow to change the number of meals per day if desired.

**PLEASE NOTE: The Macro Calculator is only an estimator and should be treated as just that. Consult a physician before beginning any training or nutrition program.

Every individual is different; you should monitor your progress and adjust the settings explained above to meet your needs as your weight changes, or if you find that you are not losing weight at the expected rate.

I am not a medical professional and the opinions expressed on this website are based on my own personal experiences with embracing a low-carb lifestyle.

For additional questions regarding use of the Macro Calculator, please email support@lovinlowcarbover50.com.